Applied Research Consultants (ARC) is an organization composed of graduate students and faculty members, housed within the Psychology Department at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Applied Research Consultants uses the latest technology and research methods to provide a wide range of reasonably-priced consulting services including:
Survey Design and Research
Statistical Consulting
Business Management Consulting
Program Evaluation
Focus Groups
In-Depth Interviews
Needs Assessments
Job Analyses
Performance Appraisals
Web-Based Surveys
And more!*
*ARC's policy is that we do not assist or provide services for theses or dissertations.
Click on the video below to see an example of how we could help you create a video to advertise your survey!
Upon completing the services and analyses desired by the client, ARC provides the client with a report of the results. Currently ARC offers three different styles of reporting: Technical, Academic, and Business. Clients can choose the report style that best meets their needs.